[Gradebook] Set Default Grade - based on value
The current Set Default Grade feature only works on cells where the assignment HAS NEVER RECEIVED A GRADE. That is to say, if an instructor has ever inadvertently entered a grade, but immediately caught the error and erased the grade, the Set Default Grade feature will ignore that student's grade.
This is problematic: For the past six years, instructors at our institution have always used the Set Default Grade feature as a "final step" to assign a zero to any cell that does not currently possess a value. But now (I am 100% convinced this behavior changed over summer 2024) the Set Default Grade feature will only work if a cell has never been altered. The feature no longer operates on "the cell being null"; the feature now assesses whether a value had ever existed in the cell.
The Set Default Grade feature should, simply, assess whether a cell currently presents as "null" or "not null". If the cell is "null"... apply the Set Default Grade value. If the cell is "not null"... omit the cell from inclusion in the Set Default Grade; leave the current value in place.