[Gradebook] Viewing Individual Students' Grades More Easily

Problem statement:

It's often helpful to view an individual student's grades. Currently, to view a different students grades, it is necessary to: 1. Click on Grades 2. Click the student's name 3. click on Grades

Proposed solution:

It would be helpful to have a drop down menu in the Individual Student Grades view that would allow selecting another student's grades to view much easier than the current method.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New

Hi @WilMeiners -

Have you explored the Individual Gradebook option? While it's not a full summary of students' work, it does provide a "progress report" style view quickly.

How do I view assignments or students individually in the Gradebook?

Community Participant

I'm requesting a feature that would make it easier, while viewing an Individual Gradebook, to switch to a different student's Individual Gradebook.