Improve question feedbacks

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas  Learn more about voting...
  Idea will be open for vote Wed. June 3, 2015 - Wed. September 2, 2015  Learn more about voting...


Hello everyone,


One thing I would like is to have the ability to add formatted text or images in question feedbacks instead of a plain text for all the type of questions. It's only available for multiple questions type.



What do you think?



  Response from Instructure

This idea is complete.  Find more information here:

Canvas Studio: Question Feedback RTE

Canvas Production Release Notes (2015-05-16) 

Community Team
Community Team

Hi  @rledda ​

These are great ideas.  Can you please separate them into 2 separate feature ideas so that we may advance them for voting?

Here are two examples of similar requests that will be voted on beginning May 5th!


Community Champion

Yes sure!

Community Team
Community Team

Great edit!  This request is definitely covered in Rich Text Editor in Speedgrader Comments

Please add your idea to the comments there!

Community Champion

Thanks for your suggestion  @Renee_Carney  but I think that my request is a little bit different as I'm referring to add the rich content editor at this part. See caption below.


Community Team
Community Team

You are correct.  Sorry about that!

I clearly was coffee deficient when responding!  Thank you for adding the image to your idea!


Community Contributor

I am really glad to see these feature requests. An instructor at our university was asking me to how to do that this week and I had to explain that it is not currently possible.

Community Coach
Community Coach

I believe this request has already been implemented according to the Canvas Production Release Notes (2015-05-16) webpage.  (Scroll about half-way down to the section on Quizzes.)

Community Team
Community Team

Great Find Chris.  Thank you for pointing this out!

Yeah for marking this done!

Community Coach
Community Coach

It is appearing at the top of "Recent Ideas" on the Home page for some reason, but there haven't been any comments since early May.  :smileyconfused:

Community Team
Community Team

I had fixed the title on it.  It still had the *