[Inbox] Enable a Course-Inbox with Shared Archive

Problem statement:

The current situation is that teachers have to mention colleagues in order for them to receive any information at all, for example, that a message has been sent to all students in a course via the Inbox. At our university, courses are often taught and supervised by several people. Over the course of a semester, different people will send information to a group of students. Teachers, administrators, and TAs are forced to use announcements because they are the only ones who have an archive that is shared within the course and can be viewed collectively. Our instructors miss the ability to send messages (or direct emails) directly from a course to all students. As a result, Inbox is not widely used.

Proposed solution:

Do not force teachers to leave the course, go to their inbox, and search for the course again to send a message. Allow direct access to "Send message to all" from within the course. In addition, it would be nice to have a message archive that all course administrators can view. For example, just below the settings and not visible to students. This would make instructors more likely to use the internal Canvas messaging system.

User role(s):
