[Inbox] Make course "clickable" from messages and go directly to course

Problem statement:

When a student sends a message via the Inbox, you see the student name in bold then the Course in which they are enrolled below their name, then the timestamp. Currently to respond to the inquiry, you have to go to the left-hand navigation "Courses" >> Published Courses >> click on the Course and then find the assignment/item you are addressing in that Course for the student who sent you a message. This takes you to the Course Home page.

Proposed solution:

It would be very efficient if the Course number below the bolded student name is linked/clickable and you could click on the Course number to take you directly to the Course from the message. AND even better would be if a student has a question a specific assignment and they write in the Comments box it would show up in the Inbox instead of going to a notification (if an instructor has notifications set up for Comments) + the Assignment is clickable so you could go directly to the Assignment the student has a question/comment about.

User role(s):
