[Inbox] Search Inbox messages for past enrolled/dropped students

Problem statement:

While inbox messages remain available after a course is concluded, the search feature only works for finding students (or other users) who are in open courses. Also, in our school, when a student drops or is withdrawn from a course, their enrollment is deleted in Canvas and they also become unsearchable even if they were in an open course. Teachers sometimes need to find evidence of messaging with dropped or former students, for example when there is a complaint or question about grades, or to document inappropriate interactions in case of disciplinary action. It is very time consuming to scroll down messages since only so many are loaded at a time, in my experience about 20 until it slowly loads the next lot. Scrolling past months or even a year (or more) of messages is a exercise in frustration. Browser search can't be used until one has scrolled to the correct time period.

Proposed solution:

1) When searching for Users, allow searching for the name of any student or message recipient, not just those in open courses. 2) When searching Courses or choosing from the dropdown course list, have an expansion arrow displaying closed, past enrollment courses. If the above two solutions aren't possible, please at least allow for displaying specific message date ranges so that browser search can be used.

User role(s):
