[Learning Mastery Gradebook] Listing students in alphabetical order

Problem statement:

The problem is that currently I can not list my students in alphabetical order in the Learning Mastery Grade Book. I used to be able to do that. I can list them in order if I select in the Show Menu to include either inactive and concluded or inactive, concluded, and unassessed students. Any other combination does not work.

Proposed solution:

Alphabetical order is a fairly well accepted convention for when listing a group of people. It makes it easy to find names and transfer data. The proposed solution would be to make it available on the LM grade book like it was a week ago Thanks

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1 Comment
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If anyone else is having this problem, there is a work around. If you click the 3 dots and select either the first two or all three categories, you can then sort the students in alphabetical order. It is annoying but it works. And it shows that the function is still there but something is screwed up in the programming