Let us schedule a Publish Date / Time for Content Pages

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Please allow us the ability to set a specific date and/or time for content pages to be published ahead of time.


It would be nice to be able to schedule those times in advance. There are times I don't want to publish something for students to see until after class and that requires remembering to go back and publish. Forgetting to do so only then creates chaos.  It'd be nice to just set those times once the page is designed and avoid those circumstances.

Community Member

I would like to have the option to have my pages be available at a certain date like with an assignment.  As a teacher there are times that I want the students to open a page but not until the date I am teaching the material.  That way students are not opening the page before I plan.   

Community Member

Any movement on this? Feels like something that could/should be available after 5 years of people pointing it out.

Community Novice

It would be a nice feature if I could unlock certain pages in the lesson, such as when there is a 2-day lesson. My students will forget sometimes or just do them so they don't have to do the second half of the lesson pages the following day.  It doesn't matter how many times I contact them before they are to do the lesson, there will always be a few who will just do the remaining pages anyway.

Community Novice

It would be a nice feature if I could unlock certain pages in the lesson, such as when there is a 2-day lesson. My students will forget sometimes or just do them so they don't have to do the second half of the lesson pages the following day.  It doesn't matter how many times I contact them before they are to do the lesson, there will always be a few who will just do the remaining pages anyway.

Community Member

I would love to see this feature added.

Community Novice

How has this request been out there for so long and it is still not an option??

Please fix this Canvas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  In 2022 it should be incredibly simple to allow a time stamp option (set exactly what time we want it published) for Pages just as it is there for Assignments.  I'm not a coder but this isn't rocket science.  

Community Member

Echoing everyone above. It would be enormously helpful if we could schedule the publishing of modules and pages. Right now I'm either having to set calendar reminders in order to manually go in and click "publish" for my modules, or I'm "locking" the module (which clutters the module page with a bunch of details that students don't yet need). It seems bizarre that this feature is missing.

Community Novice

Please can pages be automatically scheduled ASAP?

This should be very easy to implement.


It isnt clear why this feature is not implemented in the first place? I want to automatically schedule files (i.e., lecture notes) to go live at a particular date/time. I also want the complementary page (i.e., embedded video relating to the lecture notes) to automatically go live at the same time. 


At present there is no way to do this. I have to publish the page manually, which completely negates the automatic scheduling of the file, since I may as well click publish for all of them at the same time since I have to do it myself anyway. 


This should be very easy to implement and something that could be done in no time at all. 

Community Member

Agreed, this feature is literally needed in EVERY course I teach. Truly a short coming of Canvas not to implement this option. Come on programmers!

Community Participant

Yes, add this functionality, please.