Make Speedgrader open in a NEW tab in NEW gradebook.

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

In the "old" gradebook, when you were in there and clicked on a button to open Speedgrader, the Speedgrader would open in a new tab.  This was great to be able to work in Speedgrader and then close that tab, allowing you to go back to where you were in the Gradebook without reloading everything.


However in the "new" gradebook, clicking on Speedgrader opens it in the same tab.  Our faculty are getting frustrated that they then have to navigate back to the course, back to the gradebook, back to where they were, in order to do continue working in the gradebook after they are done in the Speedgrader. 


I have suggested that they right-click and 'open in a new tab', at least until this changes, but it seems that everywhere else in Canvas, when you click on a Speedgrader button it opens in a new tab.  Faculty are already in the habit of thinking it will open in a new tab.  Even if you know to use right-click, if you forget out of habit, it is too late and you have to navigate back again. Can it be the same here for consistency?



Community Explorer

I like the idea of having SpeedGrader open in a new window when selected within the new gradebook.  I use tabbed browsing heavily and while it is possible to open grades in two separate tabs so one is always the full grade view and the other is SpeedGrader, I often forget to do so before choosing to open SpeedGrader.  I also feel that it may cause less issues for faculty to have SpeedGrader open in a separate tab and need to close this at some point than to have SpeedGrader open in the same tab and after grading one assignment need to navigate back to the Grades tab again to continue grading additional assignments.

Community Novice

Also, we used to be able to click on the assignment title box in Gradebook and go to Speedgrader. Now, we have to open the side column for a student and then go to Speedgrader. I like many of the new Gradebook features (e.g. setting late work rules), but we should have to lose old features to get new ones.

Community Novice

I would just like there to be at least a button from grades to get you back to the dashboard from the gradebook.  Unless I just have not figured it out yet- right now I click on the assignment and then back to the dashboard.  

Community Participant

 Laura Orsetti, your faculty shouldn't need to return to the course. There is a button in SpeedGrader that opens the Gradebook. It is on the far left, left of the mute assignment icon.

A screenshot of the top of the SpeedGrader screen.

I personally prefer having the SpeedGrader open in the same window. Before, it opened in a new tab and then I had to refresh the Gradebook page to show the change.

Community Participant

Candice, do you mean the dashboard or the home page of the course. You are correct that there isn't a button to take you to the dashboard, but there is a way to return to the home page of the course.

291577_Screen Shot 2018-09-21 at 11.26.51 AM.png

Where it says "Carney - Language Arts 11 [11]" that is a link back to the home page of my LA 11 course.

Community Novice

Thanks!  That's actually really helpful.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Comments from Instructure

Links to Speedgrader from the Gradebook open in a new tab. This was included in the  Canvas Deploy Notes (2021-09-15) .

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
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