Make copying assignments easier

I want the ability to copy assignments from course to course to be MUCH easier and more intuitive (like it is in SCHOOLOGY!!).  I want this in the tool menu (the gear) within each assignment itself.  You would click the gear when you are on the assignment you want to EXPORT, then tell Canvas into which course to put the assignment.  Then it would give you the option to change the due date or alter other details.

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 @sbaumgarten ​

Thank you for your contribution to our community!  I am going to archive this idea as a duplicate.

Please add your comments to " modifiedtitle="true" title="Copy an Assignment ​ and make sure to follow and bookmark this idea to receive updates from our product team as they are available.  You will find a great conversation about copying in general at Copy Anything in Canvas (Redux)

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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas 

For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2017-07-15) 

Community Member

I know this is old but i don't want to submit the same request and have the same thing happen. Based on all of the release notes I could find and all current features in canvas, this was NOT solved or implemented. Copying assignments from one course to another is very step heavy. I have to either just create the assignment again in every course, or go to settings, import course content, specific content.... I want to be able to create an assignment, while creating it, check a box or drop down that says "also create it this course" or something similar. Or if that isn't possible at least click on the assignment afterward and duplicate it to other courses, not just the same course. I believe that is what this user was requesting. 

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There are many ways to copy content from course to another, now.  Have you explored using a blueprint course?

How do I sync course content in a blueprint course as an instructor? 

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I knew there was another idea, but I was struggling to find it a few minutes ago.  You might want to vote and comment on 

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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Completed