[Mobile - Canvas Student] Improve Comment space in the Student App

Problem statement:

When a student uses the app on their phone, and I (teacher) have put an assignment comment in the grade book they often miss it. It is not intuitive for them that the comment is there. They often do not turn on notifications for Canvas because they get SO MANY notifications from all their teachers every time something happens in Canvas. So instead of going to the "Notifications" page and turning on the notifications for comments, they just turn off all notifications. Then, it is not clear to them on their phones that they have a comment. They have to go to their grade book and notice a little icon next to the grade, or open on a computer. This comment space is very helpful to me to use.

Proposed solution:

Add a COMMENT feature to the bottom of the screen in the class content page OR include comments in the INBOX. My teacher app has "Courses" "To Do" and "Inbox" on the bottom of the screen. Could students (and teachers) have another icon there that shows a red number clearly indicating 1) a comment is made on an assignment and 2) when it opens, what the assignment is as well as the comment. OR, could comments be pushed to the inbox with a label signifying which assignment it is tied to so that the little red icon pops up clearly indicating they have a comment that needs to be read? I'm not sure either one of these is the answer, but my colleagues (high school teachers) have mentioned this same frustration. Thank you for considering it!

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