[Modules] Progress bar Improvements 🙏 | Detailed information per Content

Problem statement:

The current progress indicator only tells instructors whether an entire module is locked, unlocked, or completed. For modules without conditions, the message "Completed" appears for each module, which is misleading. If there are no conditions by which progress can be measured, then there should be no progress information here. And there is currently no information about what content students have already worked on, according to the requirements set for it. This detailed information can provide teachers with valuable information about the progress of selected students/the course as a whole.

Proposed solution:

Please do improve the progress bar also for institutions that rely on it as a source of information, e.g. because other Analytics options may not be enabled. Teachers should be able to see exactly, for modules for which conditions have been defined, if all or selected students have already looked at this content / marked it as done / submitted, etc. - As a percentage of the whole course per module and per content (with conditions) as well as for an individual student. This allows instructors to see if they can proceed with the lesson because a sufficient number of students have already done so. Or, alternatively, if more support should be provided/more time is needed.

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