[New Quizzes] FERPA Compliance
Expand course-level Designer role to include the ability to build New Quizzes. People who build New Quizzes must be Teachers or TAs in a class which exposes them and students to FERPA violations.
Expand course-level Designer role to include the ability to build New Quizzes. This change will help schools comply with FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) which is a federal law. Currently, the "Designer" role can build Classic Quizzes but not New Quizzes. To build New Quizzes, designers must be added to a course as Teachers or TAs. Both roles grant access to student data including grades, discussion posts, assignments, and peer reviews. Additionally, for FERPA compliance, we rely on the fact that students cannot message Designers via Conversations. If we must add our designers/course-builders as Teachers or TAs, students could message our designers through Canvas Conversations, and students might share personal conversations meant only for actual Teachers and TAs. FERPA compliance is important in education. The technology tools we use should be in line with that.