[New Quizzes] Math Equation question type

Problem statement:

Question types are not robust enough for math teachers. Cannot use formulas inside math editor/latex and ask the students to enter a math answer. For example, a math teacher cannot currently ask Simplify \frac{`a`}{`b`}x^2 + \frac{`c`}{`b`}x^2 the formula for the math editor solution would be \frac{ [[`a`+`c`]] }{`b`}x^2 (note: the [[ ]] could signal the need to actually add a+c for the final answer)

Proposed solution:

For me, the perfect type of question would involve a FORMULA, and I could define variables WITHIN for latex math expressions (see above). I want my questions to have randomized values, but to be formatted properly -- not just plain text. For student submissions, I could ask them to submit a properly math expression (answer is formulated based on defined variables and auto-graded.) The question type could be a subset of the "Formula" type, and just have a checkbox on whether the student should be forced into the math equation editor for their response or not.

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1 Comment
Community Explorer

This is the reason I don't use the Canvas "Quiz" or "New Quizzes" tools at all.    3rd party apps like BookWidgets are far superior when working with math questions and answers, but unfortunately they don't have a calculated-math-formula version either.