[New Quizzes] Prevent accessing other areas of Canvas while taking a quiz
Students accessing other areas of Canvas while testing using other devices. I experienced several students using their cell phones, other browser, other browser tabs to access multiple areas of Canvas at the same time while taking a quiz (for this class this violates testing policy as these are not open book/open notes). Is there a way that Canvas can add a layer to its test integrity that faculty can apply when needed which would prevent a student from accessing any other area of the Canvas class while taking a quiz (regardless if it is through another device/browser/tab)? In other words, one student one point of access at a time. Right now I have to access the test log file for the attempt and if I see exits/resumes and then have to search the page views and see what was going on and correlate these two together since all of the entry/exits in log files may not actually be a real exit (wish they could fix that too). If students could be blocked from accessing Canvas (only one access at one time) while testing it could help out test integrity and lessen the faculty leg work on back side.
Create a test integrity layer to quizzes that faculty can control for their quizzes which either allows students to access other areas of Canvas while taking a test or blocks it from occurring. This would help test integrity and assist faculty in eliminating one of the issues for cheating.