New Quizzes Question Types - Completing a Table

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Often we need to reorganise our current questions where we ask students to complete a table. For example, a table may have 3 columns as below and students need to insert 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages (example below).

Tool Advantages Disadvantages
Hammer <student to complete> <student to complete>
Saw <student to complete> <student to complete>


Currently students have to copy and paste the table themselves into an essay response. This is cumbersome and some students don't do it. It would be wonderful to have a tool to build a table indicating where students need to type their response.

This may also be useful for having students complete forms - such as an example of a financial document (tax invoice) or a workplace incident form for assessment.

Community Champion

Of course, this is possible with Classic Quizzes because there is a full RCE attached to the quiz feature.

Why on earth it was decided not to include this as a default on all quiz types I do not know.

There are so many opportunities missed out by not adding it...


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open


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Allow New Quizzes fill in the blanks to have multiple blanks on different lines

New Quizzes - RCE to match Canvas

Community Participant

Thanks @Stef_retired! Will do.

Community Participant

When transitioning our face-to-face class resources into our Canvas tasks, we currently need to revise the way we approach many exercises due to the lack of availability of this functionality. Thank you @kerributtery for raising this. I think this has a lot of value, especially for providers in the VET sector where filling in tables is used by a lot of training organisations. 

Community Member

YES! I want to place the blanks in a table or anywhere I want. I can ask students to do 15 practice problems within 1 question if I can place the blanks anywhere, like in a table. Example below.  It is useful for immediate feedback when it grades each blank and can show students ones they've missed. I use these question types as teaching tools to scaffold.


Community Participant

I desperately need a feature like this in the New Quizzes!

Community Member

This would be extremely useful for complex questions that may have 2-3 sub points you need to discuss for every answer.

It also helps learners identify that they must answer every piece to a multi-part queston, and guides them through the process. This is especially useful if they need to reflect a list of answers and break them down further.

Community Member

Yes, this please!

Community Explorer

totally agree with this statement.... "Currently students have to copy and paste the table themselves into an essay response. This is cumbersome and some students don't do it. It would be wonderful to have a tool to build a table indicating where students need to type their response."

Canvas needs to build this functionality as it is available in other LMS's

Community Explorer

Thank you so much for this, @kerributtery ! I was just posting this as a new idea, and I am happy to see that others feel the same way.

Fill in blank questions are currently only fit for one continuous line of text. I use quizzes constantly for language learning and I sorely miss the option of using the Rich Content Editor for the Fill in blank questions, a feature which (like many others) was actually available in the Old quizzes. For instance, I want students to fill in gaps in a song, a dialogue, or a table, exactly like @brookslo is showing. 

I now have to write the text in the RCE and provide individual gaps below, one after the other. This severely affects the readability of the questions and does not work at all if the text is longer or there are more than three or four gaps. It should still be possible to create tables or at least (!) to be able to have returns to divide parragraphs, verses, etc. and insert some basic formatting like it was before.

I agree with @GideonWilliams. It would be fantastic to see the New Quizzes have at least the same features as the Old Quizzes, and not less.