[New Quizzes] Question groups

Problem statement:

I want question groups to exist in New Quizzes like they do in Classic Quizzes. I realize there is a workaround for this by using Item Banks. However, I see question groups as a distinct enough feature from the Classic Quiz Question Banks that a similar feature should be added to New Quizzes.

Proposed solution:

Adding question groups to New Quizzes would be helpful because instructors have large numbers of question groups. I teach a human anatomy class and in an exam that covers, for example, the cardiovascular system, I want to ensure that every student sees questions about specific topics within the cardiovascular system. With Classic Quizzes, I could ensure that all students would see a random subset of questions about the heart chambers, the pulmonary vs. systemic circuit, coronary circulation, myocardial tissue, the electrical conducting system, etc. Within each of those question groups, I wrote 2-4 possible questions, and each individual student would see 1-3 of those questions, depending on the group size. I would organize all of my cardiovascular system questions in a single question bank and draw specific questions from that question bank into each particular question group. It's technically possible to perform something like this in New Quizzes, but it means that I need to make 40 or more Item Banks per exam. My ideal solution is to allow question groups like you can for Classic Quizzes. The next best solution is to allow Item Bank creation from within Build mode of New Quizzes. Even though I would still end up with far too many Item Banks, that would at least save me several clicks because I could build an exam and Item Banks at the same time.

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