[New Quizzes] Quiz Submissions drop down visible even when having more than 65 submissions per quiz
Please enable the drop-down for speed grader so that I can see all the attempts and their grades with just a click. Without this aid, not only do I have to spend additional time checking grades, but it is becomes a repetitive motion that is ergonomically unsound. The drop-down feature for each student on Speed Grader allows me to easily recalculate any grades where the student scored less than 60% on any attempt. The current grading system does not allow for if-then clauses, so all students initially receive the highest grade, which is contradictory to the syllabus. Your manual mentions that if there are more than 65 submissions, the drop-down menu for all submissions per student is no longer available
Enable this highly used feature on submitted quizzes and/or assignments even though Canvas registers more than 65 submissions per Canvas course