[New Quizzes] Quiz that uses many banks

Problem statement:

For my asynchronous classes, I have started giving tests using one-attempt, open-resource, timed quizzes (using new quizzes). So the quizzes are not identical to each other, for each question, I use a question bank of questions that are all about the same difficulty and address the same skill or knowledge. This is an extremely labor-intensive task in Canvas, when I am sure it does not need to be.


Proposed solution:

I do not know what specifically to suggest but I know that these processes can be done much better for the user. In a course that already has a dozen or so question banks, I encourage developers to do the following steps and see all of the places where things can be better automated.

  1. create 32 new banks with 2-3 questions each. Name them with a number first 01, 02, 03 so they'll be in order. For the questions use fill-in-the-blank and multiple choice type questions. Within each bank, duplicate the first question you write and edit it for the other question or two. (Notice how many times you have to click each new box, and think of how much time a single tab to move to next box would save us.)
  2. create a quiz in new quizzes
  3. add the 32 new banks to the quiz. Set each question to choose a single question for one point at random. This is a very useful thing to be able to do. I love that I can create any number of non-identical tests. This creates a much safer test for academic dishonesty.


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