[New Quizzes] (Re-) Align Spacing between Paragraphs to the Classic Quizzes

Problem statement:

There is a big difference in the spacing between paragraphs in Classic and New quizzes. In the Classic quizzes, a slightly larger space is automatically inserted between paragraphs. In New Quizzes, you now need a full line break to get the same (visual) result. This is a challenge for teachers who want to migrate quizzes. To achieve the same reader-friendly result with the new quizzes, all paragraph breaks must now be supplemented with line breaks. This will increase the amount of work needed to migrate quizzes, but it is also an unnecessary click when setting up a New Quizzes quiz for the first time.

Proposed solution:

Realign paragraph spacing with Classic Quizzes. There should be a "natural" wider space between paragraphs in New Quizzes. This would mean less post-migration work and would generally give you what you are used to from regular word processors and editors. *Please*

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Community Explorer

Here a visual example...

Q in Classic QuizQ in Classic Quiz

compared to...

Same Q in New Quizzes after migrationSame Q in New Quizzes after migration