[New Quizzes] Release Answer Feedback on a Specific Date

Problem statement:

Faculty of large courses made up of multiple sections want the ability to select the date that answer feedback is provided to students (much like the ability to prpvide a specific date for showing the correct answers). Reason: Some large courses, made up of smaller sections, have different due dates for an assignment/quiz. Teachers/Designers want to ensure that students who take the assignment/quiz earlier are not provided the correct (teacher-provided) solutions and feedback which they could then share with students who have no yet completed the assignment/quiz.

Proposed solution:

Add the ability to release answer feedback for an assignment/quiz on a specific date



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1 Comment
Community Coach
Community Coach

I am adding one of our faculty's use-cases:

We are currently using Canvas quizzes in roughly 40 recitation session courses for PHY 2048 (Physics I with calculus) and 40 more for PHY 2049 (Physics II with calculus) all managed through Blueprint courses. These 50-minute sessions span the work week and are due by Friday at 7:00 pm (after the last session is over). In order to aid students learning, we have given very specific feedback to and complete solutions in the General feedback for each question on each quiz. As it stands, GTA's teaching the sessions must manually block and unhide feedback so that students can't see the solutions until all of the students in all of the sessions have completed the assignments. WIth so many sections and so many GTA's instructing them, often some students are either never able to see their feedback because it remains hidden OR they may see the solution after their first attempt, ensuring a 100% and allowing them to pass on the answers to students in the next class. It would be so much simpler if we just had an option to hide all feedback until after the due date.