[New Quizzes] Rich Content Editor (RCE) for Matching Question Types

The Rich Content Editor (RCE) is available to use in *most* quiz question types, but not Matching questions. A lot of our instructors would like to use images, or bold/italicize text, or use other options in quiz answers, and without the RCE they are not able to do that. It needs to be available to use in ALL quiz questions types.


As an example, some of our IT instructors would like to be able to use Matching questions, and have students match an icon with a term/definition. Without being able to use the RCE for the answer spaces, this is not possible.


Please consider making the RCE available for ALL quiz question types.

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Build dynamic question types Theme Status: Identified

Community Explorer

I requested this feature elsewhere and was directed to here. I couldn't believe that the feature has been requested 5 years ago and is still not available. I'll add my request here.

For Hebrew vocabulary questions, the Hebrew words are too small for students to see (see screenshot below). I don't like the font family used here either. Beginning students have very difficult time in reading the Hebrew words, partly due to the font size, partly due to the font family. Virtually NO first year Hebrew grammar textbook uses this font family. I have received many complaints from students in the past years!


Community Novice

I too would like this feature. For example I want students to match a picture of a macroscopic view of matter (such as a picture of a snow flake or ice cube) with the term macroscopic view, a picture of a particulate view (e.g. a picture of water molecules interacting) with the term particulate view, and the symbol H2O with the 2 sub-scripted with the term symbolic view. Matching pictures of chemical glassware with the name of the piece of equipment is another example of where this would be useful.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Great points, well made. Let’s hope we see some developments on this feature and others involving the RCE soon. I do wish someone at Instructure would respond though!

Community Coach
Community Coach

Do have a look at LearningApps for matching with images (and many other quiz types). Also embeds in page and can Scorm for low stakes assessment. Students can also make their own quizzes under your account. Very easy to use and set up.

Community Explorer

Yes!  For math teachers being able to match a graph with an equation is critical.  We would love the RCE in ALL question types in new quizzes please.

Community Participant

Yes, please allow the RCE in answers for all question types in New Quizzes! It would really help me expand the types of questions I can ask in chemistry.

Community Explorer

yes please!  As a secondary math teacher, the RCE for ALL question types would be really helpful to be able to actually ask these types of questions to our students.

Community Contributor

Sigh. Another basic function that's been debated for 5 years and still not fixed. 

Not just matching, but drop-downs, too. We need to be able to format the text in ALL question types. Without this ability, we are stuck having to either abandon half of the question type options (yay... nothing but multiple-choice! How creative! How pedagogically sound!), or having to model incorrect formatting in our answer options. I spend hours correcting grad students' writing, because they never got in the habit of consistently italicizing Latin binomials, and then go to make an exam and don't have the option to italicize the Latin binomials in my answer selections. This is not trivial. Scientists cannot get work published if the names of the organisms therein are not properly formatted. Projecting indifference to formatting sets students up for failure later on, and sets professors up for an arduous road of un-teaching. I don't have time to un-teach!

Community Member

Will HTML editing become an option in the future, preferably before the complete retirement of classic quizzes?  For some tasks, it is far quicker for me to type/edit code than it is to click buttons in this editor.  I cannot be the only one with this mindset.

Things I can do with HTML:

  • Custom formatting of tables
  • Consistently affect style on various tags
  • Embed images using base64 to avoid linking errors
  • Copy/paste mixed html/latex

The workflow is so much more efficient and precise when you can access/control the code.

I would like to see this functionality brought into all question types.

Community Member

No.  This was merged incorrectly.  The request was for HTML editing functionality, which is the exact opposite of RCE.  If moderators don't understand the difference and bury it in an unrelated conversation, then I guess it's DOA.