[New Quizzes] Student Analysis Report - Include free text question responses in downloadable csv file whether or not they are marked

Problem statement:

The Student Analysis Report now has the ability to generate a csv file which is downloadable (see the 2025.01.18 Canvas LMS release notes). However the feature does not include free text question responses in the file if they are not marked (even if they are zero point questions). These are important for New Quiz general review and formative assessment analysis.

Proposed solution:

Include free text question responses in the generated report csv file, whether they are marked or not.

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1 Comment
Community Participant

@RebeccaMoulder and @i_wells have messaged in the 18.01.25 release notes and New Quizzes Discussion areas the following (in summary):

Essay type questions with free text responses do not appear on the Student Analysis Report until they are marked (even if they are zero point questions) and the report is (re)generated.

@i_wells says: "Is it possible to remove this extra step so that we can get a report of all submissions immaterial to whether they are 'essay style' quizzes? I don't think from memory we had this with the classic quizzes report."