[Outcome Results Report] Outcomes Mastery Column Needed

Problem statement:

When looking at the Outcomes Result report, it is not always clear whether or not the student actually mastered the Outcome. For example, in our College of Aeronautics and Engineering there can be more than 100 students being assessed by one single Outcome and the report itself can be difficult to organize even when using another software.

Proposed solution:

In the newest release for the New Quizzes Outcome report export, it includes a column that says Learning Outcome Mastered which states either true or false. If this was added to the Outcomes Result report, an accreditation coordinator, admin, or instructional designer could easily filter to see where the mastery was at for that particular outcome.

User role(s):

designer, admin

Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi, @msmeznik! Thanks for reaching out with this idea. I do want to confirm that you are referencing the Outcome Result Report in the admin reports. If so, there are a couple of columns that include information that should help to clarify if a student has mastered the outcome. First, there is a column for "learning outcome mastered" with 1 or 0, where 1 is true and 0 is false. The second is the "learning outcome rating" which states the proficiency level achieved. 

Community Participant

@jsailor I appreciate the feedback. Yes, I am referring to the Outcomes Results Report. I think my concern stems from that there are already so many numbers that are in the report that even with that column it gets buried in the report. Having something like the true/false statements, in my opinion, just makes it clearer and adds less numbers to contend with in the report itself. Furthermore, I think it would make more sense for when the report is generated for that column to be right next to the outcome score received by the student which is at the beginning of the report.


Hi, @msmeznik. Thank you for your response. After discussing this further with our teams, we are not able to move this idea forward at the current time. Because many users export these files and have automated systems that import and analyze the data, this change could break their current integrations.  

Status changed to: Will Not Consider
Community Participant

@jsailor Thanks for the update. Hopefully, in the future there might be an easier way to get some of this information but I do appreciate your due diligence.