[Outcomes] Ability to Archive Outcomes
Our teachers have tried to write outcomes that can last multiple years. With ever changing curricula there will be a new set of outcomes every couple of years. We've add these outcomes on subaccount level and then import them into courses. It has been increasingly difficult to keep a clean set of outcomes in a course. The wording of outcomes can sometimes change only a little bit, so people won't always notice they added the old outcome to a new course. Especially with the option to copy assignments from one course to the next, this poses a problem.
If an outcome was added to the rubric of an assignment in the old course and you copy the assignment to the new course, it will also copy the old outcome into the new course. This begin the new course, where someone has just painstakingly added the new and correct outcomes. So even though you think you have everything under control, old outcomes appear out of nowhere. Of course there is something to be said for the teaching of our colleagues and of course, we do. But they sometimes forget (just like with grading schemes, and rubrics), which is totally understandable.
You have been adding 'archive' options, first with grading schemes, now with rubrics. I'm a huge fan of this! Makes my love so much easier. It would be fantastic if this feature can also be added to Outcomes.
Long story short: I think adding the option the archive learning outcomes would be a great solution, provided that this will also block the copy issue I've just described. If this could maybe be a feature on at least admin level, that would be very helpful! Hope this is a clear request, otherwise please let me know!