[Outcomes] Apply friendly name and friendly description consistently in student view
The friendly name and friendly description fields in the Outcomes tool are not applied consistently to the student view of the outcome in the tools where the outcome is exposed. Here is what I am seeing in the student view in each tool:
- Rubric: students see the the Name and Friendly Description
- Learning Mastery Gradebook: students see the Friendly Name and no description
- Outcomes: Name and Description; when the outcome is expanded, the Friendly Description is exposed but not the friendly name.
These inconsistencies can be very confusing for instructors and students alike. Instructors assume that by filling in the "friendly" fields, students will see a friendlier form of the name and description. Students, on the other hand, see different language depending on where the access the outcome.
Proposed solution:
Whenever an outcome is shown to a student regardless of the context, always show the Friendly Name and Friendly Description (if present) in lieu of the Name and Description.