[Outcomes] Utilizing in Multiple Sub-Accounts

Problem statement:

Using outcomes should be an easier process than it is. If I am an instructor of courses in different sub-accounts, I should be able to use outcomes across multiple sub-accounts. It would also be helpful if there was more documentation and support in copying Outcomes from one sub-account to another. I was told today that it was impossible! This was NOT the case! It just took some finagling but it got done without inputting the Outcomes one by one. To have to type in and make the same selections numerous times because I have courses across several sub-accounts is ridiculous. This also makes data collection more difficult. This would be great if it could be remedied!

Proposed solution:

If you create a place holder outcome for each of the outcomes you want in your Outcome Group, you can then use the import of a csv file that has the correlating vender_guide numbers and modify the Outcome to your spreadsheet. This is time consuming but a workaround for now.

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