Override final grade

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

It would be convenient if instructors could override the calculated final grade. Many faculty use the gradebook export to send grades to the student information system and there are sometimes factors in determining a final grade that are based on the discretion of the instructor.

This idea has been added to our product plan for Q1 2019 and will influence development within Canvas. To find more information about this idea’s related priority, please follow Priority: Gradebook Enhancements

:smileyinfo: Adding this idea to our product plan means we will be working on it, but it does not guarantee that it will be developed exactly as defined by the idea, or that it will be added to the production environment.


Read more about the feature idea process:

Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2019-02-16) .

Community Explorer

Good Morning Ms. Carney,

I saw Björn Schenk's feedback in my email today and thought that I'd check in and see how the progress is going. It's been just about a year since you mentioned that final grade override was in the development. I think that his idea of having an "expert mode" is excellent.  It would be kind of like having the Advanced search mode on PubMed. (Home - PubMed - NCBI   I'm sure that other literature search engines use the Boolean search as well; I just happen to know this one better than I know others to use as an example.)

Thank you,

Eva Shay, DO

Community Novice

We need an option to be able to change grades in the gradebook into alternatives. For example, we have five different Fail types (eg non participation, non completion) and we need to be able to specify the fail type for the SIS. Canvas gradebook doesn't currently allow that as the fail percentage can't be duplicated. We also need to be able to add DX (Deferred results) and SX (Supplementary Assessment and WH (withHeld) as gradebook statuses. 

Community Participant

What is the current status of this "In Development" project.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @holmer ‌, this functionality has been scoped and is in development as part of Phase II of Priority: Gradebook Enhancements‌. It's the fourth bullet point: "Total grade adjustment." Please follow the priority to stay on top of updates as they occur.

Community Participant

I see the point about transparency to the student, but would argue that the current setup, while fine for standard points-based A/B/C/D/F grading, is inherently limiting to any alternative approach to grading, especially non-numeric grading schemes. This leads many of us to try convoluted Canvas workarounds that break transparency anyway.


I'm working with a group right now that wants the following:

  • All assignments are in four assignment groups, each weighted 25% of the course total.
  • The final grade will be pass/fail for all students.
  • There are two distinct groups of students enrolled in the course, which we can distinguish by parsing the SIS ID.
  • The final pass/fail grade is based on different criteria for each group:
    • Group A needs 69.5% overall to pass.
    • Group B needs 59.5% in each of the four assignment groups and a 64.5% overall to pass.
  • The student and faculty views of Grades should show current pass/fail standing without any number associated with it.

Needless to say, almost none of this can me done currently.


Instead of providing just another alternative grading scheme to lock us into, my hope is that Instructure will provide some open mechanism by which we might programmatically design our own grading schemes, including non-numeric ones. This could achieve the dual goals of giving grading flexibility to instructors and institutions while maintaining transparency to students with regard to how those grades were calculated.

Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and is On Canvas Beta How do I access the Canvas beta environment?

For more information, please read through the Canvas Beta Release Notes (2017-11-06) .

For additional information about the New Gradebook, please visit New Gradebook Users Group and the Canvas Release: New Gradebook document.

Community Champion

Yay Thank You! GIF by Denyse - Find & Share on GIPHY 

I'm trying to find the information on how to override the final grade in the  Canvas Beta Release Notes (2017-11-06) , but am failing.  I also can't seem to override the final grade in my Beta environment's new gradebook. 

Is there an option that needs to be turned on first? 

Community Contributor

I also was unable to locate this functionality.

I'm very happy to see it coming soon though.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi, Victoria,

This idea was incorrectly labeled and we've updated the status for clarification. Sorry about that! This idea will be part of Phase 2.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Comments from Instructure

This idea is currently planned in the second phase of the New Gradebook. For additional details please see New Gradebook Focus Group.