[Permissions] Make Account-Level "Don't let teachers modify course availability dates" Setting More Granular

Problem statement:

Current settings in Canvas provide account admins with granular control over student access to courses outside of the term. However, they lack the flexibility needed for certain educational scenarios. Specifically, the setting "Don't let teachers modify course availability dates" encompasses too broad an action, which unintuitively restricts teachers' ability to manage student access to courses without altering the actual start or end dates of the course (i.e., the course-level "Restrict students from viewing course before/after term/course start/end date"). This limitation becomes problematic in situations such as when a teacher wants to restrict access to the course content after the course has ended to prevent students from accessing high-sensitivity materials (e.g., final exams) post-semester. Similarly, teachers may want to restrict access before the official start date, without the need to adjust the course's scheduled dates.

Proposed solution:

To address this, I propose adding two new settings at the course level that allow teachers more nuanced control over student access, independent of allowing control over the course's start and end dates:

1. Allow teachers to restrict student access before the course start date: This setting would enable teachers to prevent students from accessing course materials before the official start date. It's beneficial for maintaining the element of surprise about the course content or ensuring that all students start on an equal footing without early access to materials. This setting isn't strictly necessary since teachers can usually control when a course is published, but it should be included for symmetry since this option is available at the course level.

2. Allow teachers to restrict student access after the course end date: This setting would enable teachers to block student access to course materials after the course has officially ended. This feature is particularly useful for courses that may lead to sequential learning where teachers do not want students to rely on past materials or to prevent student access to high-sensitivity materials.

These settings should be configurable at the account level by admins, granting teachers the flexibility to apply these restrictions as they see fit, without altering the predefined course dates. This solution respects the administrative desire to maintain control over the academic calendar while empowering teachers to manage their courses more effectively, enhancing the learning experience for students by clearly defining when course materials are accessible.

The "why" behind this solution is to strike a balance between administrative control and instructional flexibility. It acknowledges the diverse needs of educational programs and the importance of teacher autonomy in managing the learning environment. By implementing these settings, Canvas can provide a more adaptable and responsive platform that better serves the needs of both teachers and students.

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