[Permissions] View Unpublished Content as a Permission

Problem statement:

Certain roles (Student, Observer) *by default* cannot view unpublished content in a course. All other roles *can* view unpublished content by default, and this cannot be adjusted. There are time when I want to give a user higher privileges than student or observer (such as designer) but I do not want them to be able to view unpublished content. This is similar to another Idea that has been deployed (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/Course-Role-Permission/idi-p/463280) but there are crucial differences here. That requester *did* want users to be able to view unpublished content, they just didn't want the user to edit or delete it, which led to the Manage Content>Add/Edit/Delete permissions. What I would like is for their to be a permission to "view unpublished content" which could be toggled on or off.

Proposed solution:

A permission to "view unpublished content" which could be toggled on or off. This would be especially applicable to the roles Designer and TA.

User role(s):
