[Reports] Create an Access Report option for individual assignments, announcements, rubrics

Problem statement:

I would like Canvas to add a feature allowing instructors to see an access report for entities such as assignments, announcements, and rubrics. Currently, we are able to see individual student access reports to determine if a student has accessed a given entity. However, if I want to confirm (for example) that all of the students read an announcement about something important, I have to go one-by-one to each student's access report in "People", each one requiring several clicks, and I would have to scroll, search, keep a tally, etc. New Analytics does tell us how many unique students have viewed a given page (by selecting "Weekly Online Activity" and scrolling down). That is helpful for quickly confirming when ALL students have accessed an announcement or assignment, etc., but in cases where anything less than the entire class has accessed something and the instructor wants to confirm who might still be missing the information, the current options are to check one-by-one through "People" or to select students individually, one-by-one, via the search bar on the New Analytics page and then scroll through to confirm if and when each student accessed Entity X.

Proposed solution:

It would be very helpful to be able to go to the assignment/announcement/rubric, etc., in question, click on the three dots, and have an "Access Report" option along with "Send to...", "Copy to ...", that would show aggregated access data from the entire class for that specific entity. Instructors could then quickly compare the access report to the roster to identify which students have not yet read the announcement or consulted the assignment, rubric, etc. This would make it much more efficient to follow up with individual students as needed. Is this a possible feature that Canvas could make available?

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