[Reports] Generate/Print Batch Progress Reports/Grades For All Students

We need a way to print progress reports/grades in batch fashion, a section at a time. This is a huge problem for our K-12 school district and the biggest complaint by far from administrators, teachers, special ed staff, and counselors/advisors. We really need a better way to generate multiple student grade/deficiency reports instead of one at a time or a CSV list. In a perfect world, if all students and parents had their own updated devices and the technological skills to access their grades, this wouldn't be an issue, but until that happens, we REALLY need this. We're going to have a mutiny on our hands.
Community Member

This is definitely a required feature, going through the progress report for each student, one-by-one, takes ages.

Community Member

I sure would like the option to print an entire class's grade reports for mid-term progress.  Kids need a hard copy in their hands at times in order to track assignments and as a communication tool with parents and teachers. These hard copies can serve as great rewards/ motivators when everyone in the class receives one.  Printing a few individual reports tends to single out students...

Community Member

It would be helpful to be able to print progress reports for an entire course at one time or one click. 

Community Explorer

How is this not a thing?  Definitely need this feature added.  Manually printing individual progress reports isn't very popular with my teachers.

Community Participant

WOW!  This has been a problem since 2015...and in 2021 still no viable solution.  

Canvas has so many tools that I love but this really is the straw that breaks the camels back.  It's not reasonable to take what should be a 5 minute process total to a multi hour process where it is easy to skip a student etc.  Seeing and printing grades for entire classes, teachers, schools, students etc needs to be a few clicks at most.  

No k-12 teacher has the time to do this tedious task.  PLEASE add this feature.  

Community Member

From looking at the news feed, this has been a challenge since 2015. Can we PLEASE be allowed to complete a batch printing of progress reports for a class or grade. 

Community Member

Sometimes it is helpful to be able to print a hard copy grade summary sheet for students to reference, especially if they have a lot of missing assignments. When you go into a student's grades there is a "print grades" button that allows you to print that overview sheet, but you have to do it individually for each student. It would be great if we could press one button and do it for an entire class at once. 

Community Member

Our K12 teachers (and our students) would benefit from being able to print individual grade sheets for students by class or section rather than having to select each student individually and print a grade sheet that way.

Community Member

This feature cannot take this long since 2015.

For SY 2022-2023, our first grading period ends next week and this feature is NEEDED now.  If I knew about this, I would not vote for our district to purchase Canvas.

Community Member

Printing batch progress reports/summaries by period is crucial for K-12 teachers. It is not feasible to print these individually for my 170 students. 

Can we please get this issue addressed?