[Roles] Teachers who are also course creators

Problem statement:

Schools that use canvas may assign teachers to courses that were already designed by a course designer who prefers that faculty interaction be limited to activities like grading and announcement posting. Schools that use canvas may also assign teachers a blank course with the assignment to create something with which to teach the class. The permissions needed by teacher-graders are very different than those needed by teacher-creators. This also comes up when new ideas for creating courses are proposed because the two types of teacher roles are so different.

Proposed solution:

Make a new canvas role: teacher-creator that allows, for the purpose of the specifically assigned course, roles that may otherwise be specific to admin and/or designers. For example, in addition to all the permissions already assigned to teachers, teacher-creators might also:

  • submit on behalf of a student,
  • view course usage reports (in addition to course analytics),
  • use admin analytics hub for all courses associated with them as a teacher-creator and all copies created of those courses,
  • manage course templates,
  • view and manage courses copied from any course in which they are a teacher-creator,
  • outcome proficiency at the course level (including all copied courses),
  • outcome mastery scales at the course level (including all copied courses),
  • view access reports for the course and course copies,
  • designating a blueprint,
  • managing blueprint course settings,
  • editing lock settings within a blueprint,
  • sync blueprint course,
  • and view blueprint sync history
User role(s):
