[Rubrics] Editing Capabilities for Rubrics

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

I would like to see some additional options for Rubrics.  Specifically, it would be nice to be able to:


  • Insert a new rubric row anywhere within an existing rubric.
  • Drag and drop an existing rubric row to another location in the same rubric.


Use case: I was building a rubric with 40+ rows for an instructor.  After about the 40th row of the rubric, I realized I had forgotten to add a criterion around row 20.  So, I had to delete rows 21 and beyond...insert the row I missed, and then re-add the rows I had initially added.  I soon learned you have to be really careful when building rubrics with lots of rows.

Added to Theme

Canvas Ideas Featured in 2024 Releases Theme Status: Delivered

Improved rubric creation and usability Theme Status: In Development

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed
Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2024-07-20) 

Community Member
Problem statement:

When I create a rubric, particularly for an essay, I cannot move the individual elements around to reorder them. Ex. One element in my rubric was "intro paragraph." I then wanted to add: thesis and hook. I couldn't add it after the intro. I had to add it at the bottom of the rubric.

Proposed solution:

It's possible in the New Quizzes to shuffle questions and answers; couldn't that same technology be applied to rubrics? My "why" is wanting to add elements in a certain order; I can't go back and do that, so the rubric is disorganized.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team

@MicheleLambert - Your request was merged with an existing thread, but the request has recently been added to Canvas LMS. The editing capabilities for rubrics is located under a Feature Option, so if you don't see it in your course, please contact your Canvas administrator. They'll be able to help you!