[Rubrics] Require Rubric Assessment When Associated Rubric is Set to Use for Grading
To collect Outcomes data, Outcomes are added to a rubric and associated with an assignment. To make sure the grade for the assignment is updated when a rubric assessment is completed, the rubric needs to be set to "Used for Grading". However, when you are grading, it doesn't require the rubric to be used. Thus, instructors could ignore the rubric and just enter their own score. Often they don't realize that this impacts reporting when they don't use the rubric for grading. This then results in missing Outcomes data that we have to monitor for and follow-up with instructors that didn't fill out the rubric.
If an assignment has an associated rubric that is set to "Use for Grading" (or a new option of "Require to Use for Grading"), that it wouldn't allow a manual grade entry without a rubric assessment first (*in most cases). This should also block the ability to update grades in bulk/set a default grade for these assignments. The instructor could still override the score the student receives and/or late points could still apply, but it would require the rubric assessment to be completed first. *If the assignment submission is flagged as missing, I could see a grade being entered without needing the rubric assessment. I would say only 0% would be the exception, but some institutions may have different minimum grade policies for missing work. The appropriate exceptions would be good to discuss with the Community. Since this would be complex change, at a minimum to start, it would be useful to have a warning when they enter a grade without completing a rubric assessment when the rubric is set to be "Use for Grading".