[Rubrics] Resizing cells to include full Outcome definition

Problem statement:

We are using Canvas Outcomes to assess for students meeting accreditation standards in our courses. In addition to it being. a royal pain to have to select them one at a time rather than click them and upload a series of them once, once they are created, they look great. I can see the definition of each standard. However, once I am in speedgrader the ability to see the definition of the standard disappears and I have to click a button to get to that definition because it no longer fits. It easily could, but the cells for the scores are unnecessarily HUGE. SOmetimes I have 20 standards in a course. I can't ask my adjuncts to have to click open a definition 20 times for 20 different students every semester. They should be able to just read and click through.

Proposed solution:

Please allow us to resize the cells so that we can see the full definition. I know it fits because in the assignment tab itself it fits just fine, for some reason you make it not fit when we shift to speedgrader. Also, please let me highlight multiple outcomes to add to an assignment at once instead of having to it it one at a time. Thank you!

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