[Speedgrader] In-Line Grading Improvements, More Tools

Problem statement:

Instructors do not have enough tools to do in-line grading/annotating of student submissions in SpeedGrader.

Proposed solution:

Instructors need more robust tools for in-line grading in SpeedGrader so that they can provide better and faster feedback to students on their submitted work. Features we would like to see added to in-line grading/annotating: 1. The ability to add images from your computer. 2. More shapes for marking up content: Circles, Squares, Arrows, Rectangles. 3. The ability to control thickness of line weights. 4. More line types on shapes (dotted, dashed, solid). 5. Sticky tools - When selecting a certain pen color, weight, type, those options default to the in-line grading toolbar and follow the instructor through Canvas.

User role(s):
