Student Ranking

Problem statement:

Teachers of our Senior Students need to provide them with a ranking for each formal assessment task as well as for their total grade. This is part of compliance with our regulatory bodies. The ranking is provided to the student to help them understand their achievement relative to their cohort. At the moment, the only way they can do this is export the markbook file and manipulate the data within it. Once they have ranked students they then need to find a mechanism to report this out

Proposed solution:

Create the ability to rank students within a course for achievement in individual tasks and assignment groupings. The rank to be displayed in the markbook out as a number 1,2,3, etc. Students with the same mark to receive the same rank. Also include the ability for students and observers to view this ranking. This feature is important to provide feedback to stakeholders about a student's performance relative to their cohort and to meet mandatory requirements. The ability to not be able to facilitate this within Canvas atm is frustrating when we can meet all other requirements.

User role(s):
