[Studio] A quiz edited in Studio should automatically update on already posted Studio quizzes and assignments, just like added captions are.

Problem statement:

If a quiz is created in Canvas Studio for a video, and then it is edited later (ex: the answer choice for a quiz was incorrect, and changed to the correct one), it does NOT UPDATE in Canvas Studio quizzes that are already posted. Scenario: To make copying from term to term easier and because I do not assign points to my Canvas Studio quizzes, I place the Canvas Studio Video Quiz on a page for students to access. This allows me to track the number of views and other analytics that comes along with Canvas Studio for each course I teach. However, I noticed that one of the quiz questions I embedded in the Studio Quiz, had answer "C" marked as the correct answer, when the correct answer was "E." I went into my Studio account and edited the quiz so that the correct answer was marked. Unfortunately, refreshing the page where the quiz was housed, did not automatically update the quiz that was already posted to the page. I used "test student" and found the quiz was not updated. So, I had to delete the entire video quiz from that page and repost it. By doing this, I lost all data for students who had already viewed the video and attempted the quiz. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE!

Proposed solution:

Please allow any updates made to a Canvas Studio Video Quiz, to be pushed to the Canvas Studio Quizzes that are already posted in Canvas. This is already in place for captions. For example, you can post a Canvas Studio initially without captions being published, but once they are published in Studio, they automatically update across the quizzes that are posted.

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