[Studio] Transcript built into Studio player

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Knowmia and YouTube players have an option to display the transcript within the player. I know Canvas Studio has a downloadable srt file that can be made into a transcript. But I'm looking for the transcript being able to be displayed within the player, similar to Knowmia and YouTube.

Currently, someone would have to create a separate page or file for the transcript and then place it next to the player. Sometimes this will be attached as a PDF, which I don't think is as accessible.

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Participant

This is a crucial feature request. I've documented the process that MalenaM described here with some handy third-party tools, but it would be so much better if a transcript link was embedded right in the Studio player.

Community Participant

For those following this topic, I've created an online utility to help with creating transcripts from captions. Documentation and a link to a tutorial video can be found at https://etop.landmark.edu/transcript.html.

The workaround I've created somewhat streamlines the chore of adding a transcript to a video, but having this functionality built into Canvas Studio would be the ideal solution.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed
Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Studio Release Notes (2023-04-03).