[Classic Quizzes] number of submissions indicated in menu includes unsubmitted surveys

Problem statement:

In Classic Quizzes, using the Graded Survey quiz type, the number of submitted surveys indicated in the three dots/kebab drop-down menu includes surveys that were started but not submitted, despite the text in the menu under "Show Student Survey Results" reading "(X students submitted so far)." Example: I downloaded a Student Analysis report of a Graded Survey and the report had 11 entries, despite the kebab menu on the quiz's main page indicating that 17 students had submitted the survey so far. I asked a Canvas Support rep about this on 11/20 (I don't have the ticket number yet) and they suggested I create an enhancement request, even though this is a bug fix and not an enhancement. I have not tested the other quiz types to determine if this bug is unique to the Graded Survey type.

Proposed solution:

Fix the bug so that the text in the menu accurately counts submitted surveys, or omit this misleading text altogether. The "why" is that software interfaces should not contain inaccurate information.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi @TamaraWill -

Thank you for sharing this idea with the Community. Because you have shared this is likely a bug, I'm going to work with Support leadership to determine if that is the case. We appreciate your patience! 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider

Hi @TamaraWill -

Thank you for sharing this idea with the Community! I collaborated with Advanced Support, and we have noted this behavior for the Engineers. While I am unable to share a timeline for this to be addressed, it is documented.

Because Instructure is not doing new development with Classic Quizzes, this request will not follow our Idea Process.