Take a Photo and Submit

Much like the Media Recorder, I am requesting that students be able to take a picture and upload it right in the web browser. I work primarily with Elementary students and this would be a great feature for our younger learners.

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2021-03-20)

Community Member

Please add this tool. It would make life so much easier for my first graders and for all elementary students. 6 year olds need to be able to take a picture of their work easily and submit. Families would love this. It would take the burden off parents and give students control of submitting their own work. Video is there so why can’t camera be?

Community Novice

It is so difficult for little ones to submit pics of their assignments!  PLEASE make this a tab that is user friendly for the little guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Community Member

Canvas allows for audio, video and text submissions directly from its interface - easy!  Teachers of YOUNG KIDS desperately need an option for kids to submit a photo of their work  by using their laptop camera and saving directly to Canvas (just like video submissions!) Right now I'm having them "video record" their math work, but I just need a photo of the completed work (not them talking abut math and their daily adventures, cute as they are.)

Young kids CANNOT save photos to chromebook, search for the file on the device and embed in a text file submission. Not in under 30 minutes and without buckets of tears, anyway.

PLease say this feature is launching soon...



Community Member

I am an art instructor and tech coach in our district and a camera feature would be amazing. Math teachers also complain that it is difficult for students without access to phones to photograph their math/art/etc. and submit it in Canvas. Adding a camera to Studio with the option to take a photo (include a mirror option) would be awesome. 

Community Member

Yes please!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: On Beta
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Comments from Instructure


In File Upload assignments, students can use their webcam to submit to an assignment. This change allows students to use their webcam to submit a file upload assignment from the browser and aligns behavior with the Canvas Student app.

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2021-03-20).

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Completed
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New