[Theme Editor] Dark Theme/Dark Mode for Canvas

Hello all! I am a student, and I am here to suggest an idea that I thought would make Canvas more personalized. I think a dark theme would be great for Canvas since some students like to stay up at night (not me), and the bright white light from Canvas can hurt their eyes. The main reason why I want it is because it would look better on my computer. Youtube and Google have these options, why not Canvas? Thank you for reading!


  Comments from Instructure

While we are not able to announce that this idea has been completed, it is important to celebrate that Dark Mode has been added to Canvas Student, Canvas Teacher, and Canvas Parent. (2022-07-05)

Community Novice

Dark Mode

Community Novice

Dark Mode

Community Member

Canvas is used by many students and instructors to improve online learning, but there is one major flaw with this; no dark mode. Canvas is on the forefront of online education but the internet is changing every day, and Canvas should be too. One of the big problems with Canvas is that after doing many of my assignments my eyes begin to hurt and I feel like I must take a break interrupting my work flow and making me less productive. Over 40 million people worldwide have sensitive eyes that is a staggering number! if Canvas had a dark mode it would improve quality of life, reduce eye strain, increase work flow, and raise awareness for the 40 million people suffering from sensitive eyes worldwide.

Community Novice

There should be a setting that you can toggle on/off for dark mode (turns your canvas a dark theme) the reason for this is sometimes the bright light can cause strain on your eyes.

Community Member

So true.

Community Novice

The light mode can hurt the eyes, especially for students who are doing work until night, so the dark mode can make it easier to finish or work instead of hurting our eyes.

Community Member

dark mode


Community Novice

There should be a day and night mode it would be a nice feature to have. 

Community Member

I think it would be cool if we could make Canvas more customizable, sometimes is boring watching the same monotonous predefined Canvas design.

Community Novice

Light mode hurts peoples eyes and so does mine and I am not sure that this feature (Dark Mode) is already in Canvas but it would be an amazing feature.