[To Do] Have Observer Calendar/To Do Match Student's


Parents in a K-12 environment (Observers) want their calendars and time management tools to match their students' calendar and other time management tools, such as the To Do and Coming Up blocks.


In order to better track what students have completed and still have to do, we propose these changes to the Observer's time management tools:

  • Items on the Observer calendar "cross off" when the student they are observing submits the lesson
  • The checkmark beside a lesson turn green in the To Do/Coming Up blocks upon student submission

Added to Theme

Improve Observer Experience Theme Status: Identified

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thank you for submitting this feature idea! In order to attract the support of other Canvas users to support an idea we always encourage those who submit feature ideas to review and do their best to comply with these tips: How do I write a good feature idea submission?

If you need to make any adjustments to your original feature idea, just visit your feature idea page at any time, and click the "Edit" button (right-column), make changes, and click "Publish"

In the meantime I will update your feature idea to go up for voting on October 7th! Smiley Wink

Community Novice

Thanks - I am getting an error message when I click on your link for the tips?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This idea is now open for vote. Smiley Happy

Community Participant
Community Novice

Great idea! We hear that all the time. Apparently Canvas is working on a Parent app that will help with some of this, so it would be great to see that functionality brought back to the non-app version once they complete it Smiley Happy

Community Team
Community Team


Thank You for taking the time and energy to submit and discuss your idea. Your feedback helps our product teams prioritize feature development so we can build a product you will love. Unfortunately, this idea has been archived because it did not meet the 100-vote threshold within the 3-month voting period. Learn more at: How does the voting process work for feature ideas?

Can archived ideas still become a feature?  Potentially. Archived ideas can be resubmitted by Community members. As people’s needs change, previously submitted ideas may gain additional traction. All feature ideas are evaluated as a whole and may influence product direction.

Panda-Cat: A mythical creature that we dreamed up to catch your attention, make you laugh, and encourage you to stay invested in Feature Ideas process of making Canvas better!

Community Team
Community Team

This idea is one of the lucky ones that was selected to get a little more time for voting as part of our evolution of the feature idea process.   It was selected because of it's vote count and/or comment thread.  

*Selection criteria: Most (not all) ideas that received 70+ votes in their initial voting round.

Community Novice

This would be fantastic; providing our observers with the same information as the students. I hope this is still on the agenda. 

Community Member

Our virtual school is receiving many requests from parents to be able to have the calendar view display which assignments their student have completed. It is currently a lengthy process for parent observers to enter each class to locate missing assignments and verify that their student has turned in work. Adding a feature to the observer calendar to quickly indicate which assignments have been complete is an important request. 

Community Member

I agree with the previous poster who said we need to be able to see what assignments have been completed in the calendar.  

I want to use the observer account for canvas.  I keep finding myself logging into my kids' accounts so I can better see what they need to do.  The goal is to have them keep track on their own, but we aren't there yet.  I have a middle schooler and a freshman in high school.  We all have some degree of ADHD.  Covid is adding more stress and a new way to school.  Please give us the tools to adapt as best we can.