Verification that Gradebook comments are viewed by students

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


  Idea will be open for vote Wed. June 3, 2015 - Wed. September 2, 2015  Learn more about voting...


I would like to be able to see somehow when a gradebook comment I make is viewed by one of my students.  If I make corrections or comments on a submitted assignment I'm not always sure if they're even viewing them unless I get a comment back.  I would like to know that they're seeing it.  This helps cover me if they try to fight a grade or claim they don't understand why they got a particular grade.


  Comments from Instructure...


February 2016 Note

Completed per

As Christi mentioned, there a lot of complexities in knowing when someone views a comment, however we have a strong dependable trigger for knowing when users view feedback.  This feature should help?

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