5 things for a healthy start to the school year

Community Contributor

I love this Canvas Community mission!

I am a full-time instructional designer with the occasional opportunity to teach a class or series. A large part of my job is to ensure that IU instructors are prepared and successful in the online courses they teach. Here are 5 things I do or facilitate to ensure instructors get a healthy start:

1. Test - Canvas makes it easy to view a course as a student. As a further measure to experience what a student might, the instructor or I log into a course with a guest account who has the role of student. We also test for accessibility through our campus accessibility and disability services.

2. Review - I put the instructor's course through a proofread and device compatibility review with the assistance of someone who has not seen the course. Canvas looks different from PC to mobile device (great video illustrating this in the CanvasLive archives). While it is generally not an issue, a quick check across devices means fewer student questions that the instructor needs to field.

3. Communicate - Remind instructors of the various methods (e.g. announcements, rss feeds, email, etc) they have to reach their students at the beginning of class and test them if the instructor is new to Canvas.

4. Troubleshoot - In addition to giving a big plug to the Canvas Community (instructors, sign up! response time is amazing), I schedule few meetings at the beginning of classes so that I can assist with any week 1 needs that arise.

5. Revisit - after a successful first week or two, meet with the instructor to talk about enhancements and ideas they have for the next semester

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

What a great post clcavana​! The "Student View" feature is a life-saver, isn't it?!

We have a new CanvasLIVE​ session coming up later this month that will speak greatly to your #4 point: Only YOU Can Prevent Course Fires​. I think your teachers would glean a lot of insights on ways to design courses to avoid the most common mistakes of an online (or hybrid) instructor.

Smiley Happy

Community Contributor

Thank you for the heads up! I know a few instructors (building for Spring 2016) who will find this session quite timely and valuable because they are new to Canvas and already nervous about what the next semester holds.

Community Novice

Thank you for the great post Christy Cavanaugh! This is great and very useful!

The upcoming webinar you mentioned sounds like a great one Biray Seitz. Thank you for sharing!