Best Practices for Discussions 

Community Champion

Information from this blog post was updated based on comments and is now a resource on OER Commons for anyone to use and Remix for their own institution: There is an LTI for OER Commons that integrates with Canvas that I've been trying out and hope blog about soon!

This list of 7 best practices for discussions is based on supporting faculty at our college and my experience as an online instructor at a university. Please let me know your thoughts and ideas!

1. Alignment with the Objective(s) 

First verify that the discussion will help students achieve the weekly learning objective(s). For example, if the weekly objective involves writing a paper: the discussion might provide opportunities for students to share their writing and obtain feedback. Aligning the discussion to the weekly learning objectives is consistent with Quality Matters Standard 3.1 The assessments measure the stated learning objectives or competencies.

2. Open-Ended Questions and Critical Thinking

Open-ended questions promote critical thinking and spur discussions that are more interesting and engaging for all. Strategies to encourage critical thinking are using Socratic Questioning / Socratic Teaching through Critical Thinking Standards and Bloom's Taxonomy.

A question that contains only one correct answer usually results in repetitive student responses. After one student answers correctly, his or her response may be paraphrased by the remaining students resulting in little opportunity for discussion. There is an option within Canvas Discussions that prevents students from viewing what others post until after.... However, there's also a way for students to get around that feature: students can post, see what others are posting, then delete their own post and revise/repost. So, instructors may want to change course settings so that students cannot delete their own posts.

3. Rubric Criteria

Attach an online rubric within Canvas to provide discussion criteria that encourages critical thinking and focuses the students on the weekly objective(s). Focus on the content of the initial post and content of the responses rather than quantitative measures, such as number of posts or word count to keep the focus on the learning objective(s). Some rubric ideas to focus student responses on the weekly objectives.

4. Reflections 

The Discussions tool in Canvas can also be used for students to post reflections rather than submit them as individual assignments. Students are able to view and learn from the reflections of others and are encouraged to respond to each other, but are not required to respond.

5. Nongraded Discussions

Allow students to work together, share work before and after it is assessed, and provide feedback to each other without worrying about a grade: brainstorming, ideas, drafts, research, critiques, final projects, papers or presentations.

Instead of jumping directly from learning to assessment with no opportunities to practice, nongraded discussions provide students with practice and feedback before submitting work for a grade.

6. Small Group Discussions

Break up student discussions into small groups using Canvas Groups. In a class of 20 students, for example, 4 groups of 5 students will promote deeper thought and reflection about just 4 posts from peers. It also encourages a sense of community when students get to know each other within smaller groups.

7. Sharing Research

Ask students to share research about the weekly course topic(s) by posting and discussing internet or library resources, descriptions, comparisons, and current events. Students sharing academic research located within the online school library encourages use of the school's library and use of academic references.

Current Goals 

1. Promoting Student-Centered Discussions

One goal is to locate student-centered discussion ideas to show instructors how students may assume the role of teachers/facilitators in an online classroom. Instructors of lecture-based courses that are redesigning for the online learning environment benefit from viewing examples that demonstrate the difference between facilitating on-ground vs face-to-face. Some great student-centered discussion ideas that were demonstrated in a CanvasLIVE event.

2. Including Synchronous Discussions

Another goal is to locate examples that show how instructors might use synchronous discussions to allow students to learn from each other. Example: Students sharing their presentations within a live discussion. Some synchronous features in Canvas:

  • The live Chat is very user-friendly, but can only contain text (no hyperlinks or multimedia). Unfortunately, the Chat only works within a course rather than across all courses. So, the Canvas Chat feature is not useful to instructors who would like to keep the Chat open while online but are teaching multiple courses. 
  • The Conferences feature works fine, but is a little clunky. For example, demonstrating something that is within a course requires opening the course in another browser window. Also, recordings are deleted after 14 days. 
  • Our college now provides instructors with access to Zoom, which we find much more user-friendly than Conferences. We are currently using it separate from Canvas, although I notice that there is an LTI that integrates Zoom with the Canvas calendar and course navigation menu. We have not yet tested out the Zoom LTI  to see if the issues mentioned by community members are resolved.


Comer, Debra & A. Lenaghan, Janet. (2013). Enhancing Discussions in the Asynchronous Online Classroom The Lack of Face-to-Face Interaction Does Not Lessen the Lesson. Journal of Management Education. 37. 261-294. 10.1177/1052562912442384.

Paul, R. and Elder, L. (April 1997). Foundation For Critical Thinking,

Retrieved from

Penny, L. and Murphy, E. (2009), Rubrics for designing and evaluating online asynchronous discussions. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40: 804–820. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2008.00895.x

Standards from the Quality Matters Higher Education Rubric, 5th Edition. Quality Matters. Retrieved from

Yang, Y.C., Newby, T.J., & Bill, R.L. (2005). Using Socratic questioning to promote critical thinking skills through asynchronous discussion forums in distance learning environments. American Journal Of Distance Education, 19(3), 163-181. doi:10.1207/s15389286ajde1903_4

Community Contributor

Great post,  @dejonghed07 ‌! I'm going to link your blog into this course, which we offered to learners this summer in our district. It's publicly-visible, so please feel free to take any ideas from its organization, etc., as desired.

Community Champion

Thanks for sharing your course, ssimpso4‌! It contains many great discussion ideas. I forget about the Fast Track Video series and like how it includes posting video to discussions. It was also helpful for me to view examples from others who are using interactive content. Thanks again for sharing!

Community Champion

Brilliant list Denise.

Well worth bookmarking.

Community Champion

Thank you! 

Community Contributor

A very helpful list of considerations, indeed!

I have a small suggestion - it's worth noting that rubrics on Canvas discussions are not easy for students to find. You'll probably want to include a help guide on the first couple discussions in a course to make sure students are aware of your rubric: How do I view the rubric for my graded discussion?  

Community Champion

Thanks! That's an important point about hidden discussion rubrics. Some instructors take a screen shot of their rubric to place into the discussion text. That makes them visible, but defeats the purpose of having online rubrics. I wish discussion rubrics were as visible to students as assignment rubrics.

Community Contributor

Absolutely able to place rubric inside discussion text, but it's not great that instructors need to know Canvas well enough before they understand that this is needed. Here is the feature request to show rubrics by default for anyone that's keen:  

Community Explorer

Very good ideas  @dejonghed07 !  I teach a course on building and facilitating online classes and will suggest everyone read this blog when we go over discussions and presence in the classroom.  One other item we have found useful in classes is providing example discussion replies for students at the beginning of the class.  Providing a few examples of good and poor replies helps students calibrate their own responses.  Thanks for the interesting post!

Community Champion

Thanks, Deactivated user‌ - That's a great idea to provide students with example replies!

An instructional designer outside of the Canvas Community, Sandra Vigilant, suggested providing students with a choice of response options to select from, such as:

  • asking a probing question
  • elaborating on one of their points
  • providing a different perspective
  • making a suggestion, etc.

Another instructional designer, Rita Pool, provided me with these useful discussion resources that may be of interest to you, too:
CTI - Online Discussions 
Rethinking Canvas Online Discussions | Academic Technology 

Community Champion

Hi Everyone: Online discussion information from this blog post was updated based on comments and is now a resource on OER Commons for anyone to use and Remix for their own institution: There is an LTI for OER Commons that integrates with Canvas that I've been trying out and hope blog about soon!

Community Contributor

Thanks for the helpful blog. Currently Canvas has the following default Discussion Settings at the account level, I believe, see attached. If our organization wants to turn the 2 checked options off globally for all courses, is there an easy way to do it without having to turn them off manually in each course?

271363_discussion settings.jpg

Community Contributor

According to Canvas CSM, there is no way to change the default Discussions Settings at the organization level. The only way to turn off the 2 Student Settings is via the Update course settings API calls, Courses - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation 

Community Contributor

I've had different experiences with "required discussions" and it's hard to know which will be the most effective.

During my Master's courses, I was required to post three times each week, with the first post due prior to Wednesday. It kept us all on task and prevented outright procrastination 😃

Community Champion

Yes  @1larryturner as a student I appreciated the 'required discussions' to keep me immersed in the content productively.