Just S.M.I.L.E.

Community Novice

Our team of instructional designers always looks forward to a new term, and we do so with a S.M.I.L.E.

Suggest faculty review our helpful resources. - We have extensive resources available to faculty (including ourselves), and the beginning of a term is a great time to suggest that they review what we have to offer.

Make ourselves available. -  We adjust our schedules at the beginning of a term so that we have greater availability to our faculty.

Invite faculty to come see us. - A friendly reminder never hurts.

Love our faculty. - We have the best faculty in the world and we let them know how much we love working with them.

Explore new methods. - Everyday we read, discuss, and explore new ways that faculty can help students. We also explore how we can make using new methods easier for our faculty (like Canvas for instance).

We are always smiling, because we love our jobs. And I have to say, it's easy to love your job when you work with awesome instructional designers like  @Sylvia_Ami  and  @myanalunas  .

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