Assigned Pages not Showing in iOS app To Do List

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Our teachers are following the Canvas Guide for adding a Page to a student's To Do List. Those Pages then show up in the web-based Canvas for students, so we know it's working, but they do not appear in the To Do List in the Student app. I am just checking with the Community to see if anyone else has noticed this. Thanks.

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1 Solution
Community Member

The easy answer here is that the To Do date on pages does NOT transfer to the app. We had a similar surprise with this. The guidance:

states that discussions, assignments and quizzes come through the to-do list. If you look at the API, it's clear there are two to-do lists: one is the actual one, ie tasks set, and the other is essentially a calendar view of content.

There are three workarounds:

  • Open the student app in the calendar view and then you will see your pages there. They open just fine. The preferences can be set to open it in this way. Note that you don't get calendar view in the Teacher app.
  • Use discussions. They show up just fine.
  • Use assignments and essentially have it as a "read this content" type of task. Given that you can link to pages etc from a discussion or assignment there's plenty of flex.

    But I agree, "add to to-do" should have the same meaning on desktop and app as it's confusing. Am pretty sure it would be ab easy fix, too.

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