Building, editing, running, and facilitating courses on an iPad? Doable?

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I mostly work on my personal MacBook Pro and my company's Windows laptop. I'm inundated with tech in my house and work remotely, and was thinking of grabbing an iPad and getting a good deal by trading in the MacBook to do it, because I can technically do all of my work on my company laptop. But I was wondering how the Canvas platform runs and how manageable it is to work with and edit with on an iPad. I'm working web-hosted anyway with Canvas, so I imagine it's fairly compatible, but I've ever actually edited, built, or managed courses in Canvas or Catalog on an iPad, and I'm a little scared to assume it's going to function well. Again, I can (and should) use my Windows work laptop, so it's not going to be a huge issue either way, but was wondering if anyone here has used Canvas or edited/built courses on iPad regardless and what your experience has been like.

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Community Champion

Hi @L11ghtman 

I think you might find it frustrating to edit and build a course with an app. But managing a course is certainly doable. 

I've done a little editing with the Canvas App on my iphone, and it works fine for updating due dates or fixing typos. But I would not want to build a course from scratch on an ipad. I think the iPhone and iPad apps are very similar. 

I have taught courses with the Canvas iPhone app while traveling during the summer. It works fine as long as everything has been setup correctly before I leave. I don't much like how speedgrader works on the phone, though. I just found a hotspot and used my laptop as needed, which wasn't often.

One thing I have never tried is adding files and photos using the app.  That might be difficult. 

Perhaps other's have more experience. 

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